Chris Hedges, 55, forfatter og tidligere journalist ved NY-Times ser på bakgrunnene for demonstrasjonene og hvorfor de skjer.
Han forteller at
«this is really where the hopes of America lies. All the efforts of intimidation that we have seen by the police of New York, the disproportional amount of force and the disproportional numbers that have been deployed to contain the protests here, for me, illustrates that the real people who are scared are the power elite – of course they try to make you scared and us scared, but I can tell you – I have been a reporter of the NY-Times, that on the inside they are very, very frightened. They dont want movements like this to grow. And they understand on some level, wether its subconscious or in other cases even overt, that the criminal class in this country has seized power.»
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Signér opprop til the White House:
Chris Hedges forteller (fra intervjuet): «On the other hand, I have children. And I look at my children and I wonder what kind of a world we?re going to leave them. My youngest son is three years old. And his favorite book is ?Out of the Blue?, which are these huge pictures of narwhals and dolphins. He will sit on the floor of his room and flip through these pages, and I look at him. When I see him do that it breaks my heart. Because I know that if there is not a radical change in human behavior, all of those great sea creatures will be dead within his lifetime. Corporate systems are, in theological terms, and I?m a seminary graduate and can?t escape it, are systems of death. They turn everything into a commodity. Human beings become commodities, the natural world becomes a commodity, that they exploit. Until exhaustion or collapse.»