John Shipton, far til Julian Assange forteller at han er kommet fra Australia til Europa for å kjempe for sin sønns frihet. Han blir her inntil han kan reise hjem med Julian. Hør hans intervju her. Sønnen Julian sitter nå i Englands høysikkerhetsfengsel nummer ett. Han blir dårlig behandlet.
«Yes, yes, I’ve become an ambassador for Julian and wherever I go I talk to people like we are today and generate understanding and support for Julian and unify the vast number of supporters, so that we can have pressure upon governments in a pointed way, in a firm pointed way, rather than groups doing a little bit here and a little bit there, it will marshal all of these supporters together, to ensure that the Julian is freed from detention in the UK. I’d like to add that there were three mirror events of the vigil last night at Brandenburg Gate, so there was one in Düsseldorf which was successful, then one in Frankfurt was equally successful, one in Cologne, so last night there were four vigils for Assange» (les mere her).