I den første uken i februar publiserte jeg en artikkel med tittelen ‘Løgnene vi blir fortalt om Coronavirus’. Jeg fokuserte først og fremst på desinformasjonen som kom ut av Kina, og for de med kort hukommelse var det en flom av desinformasjon som ble spredt på forskjellige nettforum av det jeg tror var en hær av betalte desinformasjonsagenter. Løgnene så ut til å dreie seg om å holde resten av verden passive for den potensielle trusselen ved å fremme følgende antakelser:
1) Desinformasjonen undertrykte opplysningene om spredning fra menneske til menneske og infeksjonsnivå, og antydet at viruset ikke var særlig overførbart eller at det «bare smittet asiater» (alle som faktisk trodde på denne tullingen den gang var virkelig godtroende) .
2) Desinformasjonen undertrykte det faktiske antallet dødsfall i Kina for å minimere responstiden til mennesker i andre land. Antagelsen var «det er ingenting, hvorfor bekymre deg». Som vi nå vet, kan det overhode ikke stemme at Kina bare har hatt 4600 dødsfall. Alle bevis som ble lekket ut av helsepersonell på bakken i Kina antydet et mye høyere antall dødsfall, men desinformasjonen var nok til å forhindre at mange mennesker tok trusselen på alvor.
3) Desinformasjonen gjemte kilden til viruset og hevdet at det kom fra et dyr / våtmarkedet i Wuhan, selv om mange av de første pasientene som var smittet av coronavirus, aldri hadde noen kontakt med markedet. Dette ble åpent innrømmet av forskere i Kina helt tilbake til januar. Husker du «ryktene om flaggermus-suppen»? Bare løgn. Og heller ikke tilfeldig, det eneste Biohazard-laboratorium som har nivå 4 i Asia, som særlig forsket på SARS-lignende virus, er naboen til det samme markedet.
4) Desinformasjonen kom ikke bare fra Kina. Verdens Helseorganisasjon prøvde konsekvent å bagatellisere spredningen av viruset og nektet å kalle det en pandemi i flere måneder, selv om det passet alle kriteriene deres. De skrøt også av Kina, og tok alle data som den kinesiske regjeringen rapporterte som om det var bekreftede fakta og forsvarte Kina mot alle som prøvde seg.
5) Nivået på desinformasjon fra amerikanske myndigheters kilder, Det hvite hus og selskaper i sosiale medier var nesten nok til å matche Kinas løgner. Den amerikanske regjeringen og WHO jobbet tett med selskaper i sosiale medier for å forstyrre enhver analyse som stred mot den kinesiske fremstilling, og også WHO-dekkhistorien.
Mens Donald Trump og DoD plutselig var interessert i muligheten for at Covid-19 var et biovåpen (noe de av oss i alternative medier prøvde å rapportere for måneder siden), ga Trump i slutten av januar også Kina ros og sa at dataene deres var nøyaktige og alt var «under kontroll».
Dr. Anthony Fauci var i media og sa: «Dette er ikke en stor trussel for folket i USA, og dette er ikke noe som innbyggerne i USA bør være bekymret for akkurat nå …» Senere snudde Fauci tvert og ba om streng kontroll fra myndighetenes side for å stoppe spredningen av viruset.
CDC og mainstream media forsøkte aktivt å hindre all informasjon som kunne antyde at coronaviruset hadde blitt laget i et laboratorium, selv om eksperter i biosikkerhet i 2017 advarte om at laboratoriet i Wuhans slappe arbeidsstandard kunne føre til at et farlig virus «rømte». Sammenslåede studier basert på en lang liste av antakelser (som falske antakelser om at ethvert biovåpen ville være konstruert for å drepe et maksimalt antall mennesker) var designet for å «avkorte» teorien, men tjente bare til å reise flere spørsmål etter hvert som folk begynte å lurer på hvorfor visse «eksperter» og journalister var så ivrige på å kvitte seg med biovåpenproblematikken.
6) I mellomtiden sentrerte den mest uredelige desinformasjonen i USA seg om økonomien. Trumps økonomiske rådgiver Larry Kudlow hevdet 4. februar at skadene på den amerikanske økonomien fra viruset ville være ‘minimale’. Med over 26 millioner mennesker nå kommet ut i arbeidsledighet, med millioner av små bedriftseiere i desperat pengenød, med BNP i fritt fall, produksjon i fritt fall og forsyningskjeder anstrengt til bristepunktet, jeg tror det er trygt å si Larry Kudlow enten er en komplett ørkengjenger, eller så leste han pliktoppfyllende fra et propagandaskript som ble gitt til ham.
Som jeg bemerket i februar:
Den amerikanske økonomien er avhengig av flere nasjoner og er tett koblet til Kina. Den største faren for globalismen når det gjelder økonomi er at den tvinger nasjonale økonomier til å miste det overflødige som beskytter dem mot systemisk kollaps. Når en storøkonomi går ned, tar den alle andre, mindre økonomier med seg i dragsuget.
Ikke bare det, men den amerikanske finansstrukturen er uansett ustabil, med rekordnivå av nasjonal gjeld, forbruksgjeld og selskapsgjeld, for ikke å snakke om bratte fall i industri og etterspørsel. USA sitter på toppen av en av de mest massive økonomiske boblene gjennom tidene – The Everything Bubble, opprettet av Federal Reserve gjennom ti år med stimulanstiltak, som knapt holder liv i systemet i en tilstand av zombifisering.
Boblen var hele tiden i en tilstand av å ville kollapse. Faktisk antyder nyere hendelser i Fed-repomarkedene at den allerede har kollapset. Coronavirus-utbruddet er et perfekt dekkarrangement for denne implosjonen … ”
Artikkel skrevet av Brandon Smith, deler av artikkelen oversatt av undertegnede. You can contact Brandon Smith at: brandon@alt-market.com
Hele hans artikkel kan leses, her eller her:
The Crisis Won’t Stop Until The Globalists Are Removed From Power
In the first week of February I published an article titled ‘The Lies We Are Being Told About The Coronavirus’. I focused primarily on the disinformation coming out of China, and for those with short memories there was a flood of it being spread on various web forums by what I believe was a army of paid disinformation agents. The lies seemed to revolve around keeping the rest of the world passive to the potential threat by promoting a set of assumptions:
1) The disinfo suppressed the information on human-to-human spread and the level of infections, suggesting that the virus was not very transmissible or that it “only infects Asians” (anyone who actually believed this nonsense at the time was truly gullible).
2) The disinfo suppressed the actual number of deaths in China to minimize the response time of people in other countries. The assumption was “it’s nothing, why worry”. Well, as we now know, there is no way China has only suffered 4600 deaths. All the evidence leaked by health officials on the ground in China suggested a much higher number of deaths, but the disinfo was enough to keep many people from taking the threat seriously.
3) The disinfo hid the source of the virus, claiming it came from an animal/food market in Wuhan even though many of the initial patients infected by the coronavirus never had any contact with the market. This was openly admitted by scientists within China as far back as January. Remember the «bat soup» rumors? All lies. And perhaps not coincidentally, the only Level 4 Biohazard lab in Asia, which studies specifically in SARS-like viruses, is right down the road from that same market.
4) The disinformation was not only coming from China. The World Health Organization consistently tried to downplay the spread of the virus, refusing to call it a pandemic for months even though it fit all their criteria. They also lavished China with praise, taking all data the Chinese government reported as if it were verified fact and defended China against any and all detractors.
5) The level of disinformation coming from US government sources, the White House and social media companies was almost enough to match China’s lies. The US government and the WHO have been working closely with social media corporations to disrupt any analysis that runs contrary to the Chinese narrative as well as the WHO narrative.
While Donald Trump and the DoD are suddenly interested in the possibility that Covid-19 is a bioweapon (something that those of us in the alternative media tried to report months ago), at the end of January Trump was also offering China praise, saying that their data was accurate and everything was “under control”.
Dr. Anthony Fauci was in the media saying :
“This is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now…»
Fauci would later go on to change his tune completely, calling for strict government controls of social behavior in order to stop the spread of the virus.
The CDC and the mainstream media actively attempted to obstruct any information that might suggest the coronavirus was made in a lab, even though in 2017 experts in bio-safety warned that the lab in Wuhan might eventually cause a dangerous virus to “escape” due to lax standards. Slapped together studies based on a long list of assumptions (such as the false assumption that any bioweapon would be engineered to kill a maximum number of people) were designed to «debunk» the theory, but only served to raise more questions as people began to wonder why certain «experts» and journalists were so intent on dismissing the bioweapon issue so out of hand based.
6) In the meantime, the most egregious disinformation in the US centered on the economy. Trump’s economic adviser Larry Kudlow claimed on February 4th that the damage to the US economy from the virus would be ‘minimal’. With over 26 million people now added to the unemployment rolls, millions of small business owners desperate for bailout money, GDP in freefall, manufacturing in freefall and supply chains strained to the breaking point, I think it’s safe to say Larry Kudlow is either a complete moron or he was dutifully reading from a propaganda script that was given to him.
As I noted in February:
“The US economy is interdependent with multiple nations, and is tightly connected to China. The greatest danger of globalism in terms of economics is that it forces national economies into losing the redundancies that protect them from systemic collapse. When one major economy goes down, it brings down all other economies with it.
Not only that, but the US financial structure is precariously unstable anyway, with record levels of national debt, consumer debt and corporate debt, not to mention steep declines in manufacturing and demand. The US sits atop one of the most massive economic bubbles of all time – The Everything Bubble, created by the Federal Reserve over ten years of stimulus measures, barely keeping the system alive in a state of zombification.
The bubble was always going to collapse. In fact, recent events in Fed repo markets suggest it was already collapsing. The coronavirus outbreak is a perfect cover event for this implosion…”
The downplaying of the economic danger in particular, the lies all over the web about N95 masks not working, the claims that buying food and supplies is “panic behavior” akin to hoarding, a few months ago everything seemed designed to convince the public to NOT prepare for this event. And it was not just China and the WHO behind it; it was also our own government, the White House and the mainstream media.
Now, there is still ample debate about how deadly Covid-19 really is. Is it really “no worse than the flu”? I have seen data which suggests that there are many more infected people than initially believed which would diminish the death rate. I have also seen data which suggests that deaths from the virus are being under-reported, just like they were in China.
I say it is foolish to rush to conclusions until the virus actually runs the same course and infects hundreds of millions of people as the flu does annually. I will also say that I have never heard of hospitals and morgues being overwhelmed by the flu in modern times like they have been overwhelmed by the coronavirus, but this debate is a distraction from the real issue – It DOES NOT MATTER how deadly the virus is, what matters is that the current government response is unacceptable regardless.
The false dichotomy being constructed right now is that you either believe the virus is a horrible killer plague and that martial law is necessary to stop it, or, you believe the entire pandemic is somehow “staged” and that the whole thing is a hoax, making martial law unnecessary.
The truth is more likely somewhere in-between. The virus is a moderate threat, it is most likely a chimera with SARS-like qualities, it is indeed killing many people but it is certainly not the Black Plague (a friend of mine just lost someone in their mid-40’s with no previous conditions; it is still smart to take precautions), and even if it was it would not matter because government tyranny and economic lockdown do not solve the problem, they only make the situation much worse.
Now that the Chinese propaganda campaign is falling apart as the data continues to contradict what they initially reported, I have to point out, as mentioned above, that China did not do all this alone. It had the help of the UN, the mainstream media and yes, even the CDC and the White House. Without all these entities working together to suppress information on the threat and its source, the public would have had far more time to prepare. And most of all, if governments including our own had restricted travel from China a month sooner when it was clear that human-to-human transmission of the virus was a reality, then the pandemic may have never happened in the first place.
Yet, they did not. Why?
Why was the threat downplayed and ignored? Why was travel from China kept open for weeks after the pandemic began killing thousands? Why did everyone including Trump defend China initially, only to now accuse them of at the very least negligence, and at worst biowarfare?
I have a theory, of course. I outlined the problem in great detail the in my article ‘How Viral Pandemic Serves The Globalist Agenda’, published in January. This article stemmed from another article I wrote in 2014 during the Ebola event which predicted everything that is now happening today. And, this month I published an analysis on open globalists admissions on how they plan to use the pandemic to promote one world cashless society and medical tyranny in my article ‘Waves Of Mutilation: Medical Tyranny And The Cashless Society’.
The narrative has shifted into blaming China for everything, and they are certainly guilty of many crimes, but they are only partly responsible for the disaster. China as a whole is not the prime beneficiary of the crisis. In fact, they are suffering economic collapse like most others nations. But, the globalists within China, the globalists within the WHO, the globalists within the US including those in Trump’s cabinet, they all benefit greatly. And this is where many people simply can’t wrap their heads around the scenario.
They can accept the idea of a Chinese conspiracy, or a UN conspiracy, or even a Trump conspiracy, but the idea that there are elites within all these countries and the White House working together? Well that’s just “crazy”, right?
I’m sorry to say that this is the reality. The US and Canada poured millions of dollars into the experiments at the Wuhan lab and the funding was greenlit by none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci in 2015. Trump’s cabinet is stacked with global elites and people like Dr. Fauci that are intimately associated with the WHO. Fauci continues to defend the WHO. Trump initially praised the Chinese response in January. The WHO has been aggressively defending the Chinese handling of the outbreak and has thoroughly praised their response, which has included using tracking apps and QR codes to watch their citizens 24/7 and implement medical totalitarianism. This same medical totalitarianism was suggested during Event 201, the “simulation” of a coronavirus pandemic funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum which was held only TWO MONTHS before the real thing happened. This is the same medical totalitarianism that Bill Gates and others like MIT are promoting as a solution today.
The globalists have consistently called for a shift into a cashless society and a technocratic surveillance culture. Is it not convenient that these are the solutions being consistently offered in the face of the pandemic?
If you examine the chain of events, the amount of give and take between China, the WHO, and other governments including the US government and the fact that the globalists are about to get everything they want from this catastrophe, I do not think it is outlandish to suggest that perhaps this virus was unleashed deliberately and that globalists in multiple nations are working together to achieve a specific outcome.
With the US blaming China and the Chinese blaming the US, the truth is being lost in the fog of propaganda. The truth being that BOTH sides and the WHO made this pandemic possible, and that the elites on ALL sides have something to gain. The end game they desire is global governance, a one world digital currency system and a rationale for full spectrum surveillance of the citizenry. The pandemic allows them to have all of this, unless the people take action to fight back and disrupt their plans.
Some people will call this “wild speculation” or “conspiracy theory”, but these people are either ignorant of the facts. The evidence is substantial. I have outlined it over and over again the past few months. Luckily, I do see a growing to counter the globalist script. Hopefully, we have the time and tenacity to stop them from getting what they want.
Understand, however, that this crisis will not stop until the globalists are unseated. The current «wave» of the virus is only the first. Expect wave after wave of infections, and wave after wave of lockdowns by complicit government officials. And when COVID-19 doesn’t scare people anymore, all the elites have to do is release ANOTHER virus with varied effects. To stop the lockdowns and to stop the pandemic we have to stop the globalists. We have to go to the root of the threat.